Amber Candy, resident of “Big Brother VIP Albania 4,” shared a painful story from her life, touching the hearts of residents and viewers. In an emotional challenge set by Big Brother, where the residents had to share the most difficult moments of life, Amber talked about her transition and the great challenges that accompanied her during this process.
A decision that changed everything
Amber confessed that her transition started with a trip to Italy, resulting in the closure of the business she had in Albania and the breakdown of relations with her family. In the face of prejudice and lack of support from relatives, she shared that before an important operation, her sister had told her:
“If you do this, you should also remove our last name because we do not accept this.”
One last phone call with dad
Amber shared the most shocking moment when her father, diagnosed with cancer, called her for the last time.
“Whatever you become, you remain my child. You remain my blood and I will never reject you,” he had told her. Just a few minutes after this conversation, Amber received the news of her father’s death, which she described as the biggest pain of her life.
Excluded from father’s burial
Despite the deep sadness, her family did not allow her to be present at the funeral. Amber explained that the reason was related to the pressure of public opinion:
“We are sorry, but as a family we have a seder and suffer for public opinion. You will not be a participant in the funeral.”
A promise kept
Amber said she had promised her late father that she would tell this story without shedding tears, thus honoring his wish. This painful story became a moment of reflection not only for the residents, but also for the public, bringing a powerful message of acceptance and support to individuals who follow their truth.
“Big Brother VIP Albania” continues to be not only an arena of games and strategies, but also a platform to share stories that touch everyone’s hearts.
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